Le samedi 1er mars à midi, sur la place du marché de Stratford, en Ontario, un « rassemblement de citoyens pour le Canada » aura lieu. Il vise à attirer l'attention sur les menaces que représentent les tarifs américains pour notre économie locale et sur l'impact qu'ils auraient sur les habitants de la communauté et de la région. Il permettra également de faire le lien avec les menaces américaines d'annexer le Canada en tant que 51e État et de s'opposer aux menaces proférées contre d'autres démocraties dans le monde. Le « rassemblement de citoyens pour le Canada » vise à renforcer le patriotisme et à mobiliser les citoyens locaux qui sont également encouragés à apporter une pancarte ou à en commander une dans notre boutique Solidarity Merchandise . Les intervenants et le programme seront annoncés ultérieurement. Revenez bientôt.
On Saturday March 1st at 12:00 p.m. in Stratford’s Market Square a local Citizens’ Rally for Canada will be held to demonstrate solidarity of purpose at this pivotal moment in time, just three days before U.S. President Donald Trump’s 30-day tariff reprieve is set to end.
Speakers during the 30-minute event will include Perth-Wellington MPP Matthew Rae and City of Stratford’s Deputy Mayor Harjinder Nijjar. In addition, Canadian Senator Peter Boehm, a former Ambassador to Germany, former Minister (political and public affairs) at the Embassy of Canada in Washington, with over 30 years’ experience as a diplomat, has written -- specifically for the rally -- a timely and powerful defence of democracy and Canada’s record in defending it. Deanna Horton, a distinguished fellow at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy and a former negotiator on NAFTA, has agreed to read the statement at the rally on his behalf. Also addressing the rally will be Stratford & District Chamber of Commerce General Manager Aaron Martin and Rev. Mark Wolfe from St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Stratford.

“We want this rally to be positive, instructional and inspiring. It’s about Canadians supporting Canadians,” says singer/songwriter and local resident Loreena McKennitt, who is the founder of the grassroots organization Wise Communities. She will also speak at the event.
“The threat of tariffs and talk of taking over our country by the U.S. administration is causing great anxiety and disruption. Around the world there are people of like minds who, like Canadians, cherish democracy, human rights and the rule of law. Clearly, we are entering a different era with respect to world order. Every citizen in every community across the country will be asked to review and reaffirm what makes us distinctly Canadian and determine how they bring those values back to their community. This could involve volunteering at service clubs, food banks, writing letters, buying Canadian. Across the country we need to experience a sense of solidarity.
“What we want to discourage is a broad-brush anti-U.S. sentiment. We know there are many U.S. Citizens who share our concerns and who will continue to visit us here in Stratford and elsewhere in Canada and we want to make sure they feel welcome and safe.”
The Citizens' Rally for Canada is also encouraging participants to wear red and white, or to bring a patriotic sign. People can also warm up at Revel Café, which is selling red and white donuts, shortbread maple leaf cookies and other solidarity treats for the occasion.
Starting at 11:30 a.m. people can enjoy listening to an all-Canadian playlist of music.

The event will conclude with award-winning artists Ron Sexsmith, Dayna Manning singing O Canada with McKennitt and others.
VISIT: Canadians Stand Together: Our True North Strong and Free